1. 简介
2. 驱动
大部分传感器都会使用iio驱动框架,以light sensor为例
3. sensor hal
3.1 sensor hal 2.0接口
sensor hal 2.0的几个接口说明,参考ISensors.hal
- getSensorsList()
getSensorsList() generates (vec<SensorInfo> list);
struct SensorInfo {
* handle that identifies this sensors. This handle is used to reference
* this sensor throughout the HAL API.
int32_t sensorHandle;
* Name of this sensor.
* All sensors of the same "type" must have a different "name".
string name;
/** vendor of the hardware part */
string vendor;
* version of the hardware part + driver. The value of this field
* must increase when the driver is updated in a way that changes the
* output of this sensor. This is important for fused sensors when the
* fusion algorithm is updated.
int32_t version;
/** this sensor's type. */
SensorType type;
* type of this sensor as a string.
* When defining an OEM specific sensor or sensor manufacturer specific
* sensor, use your reserve domain name as a prefix.
* e.g. com.google.glass.onheaddetector
* For sensors of known type defined in SensorType (value <
* SensorType::DEVICE_PRIVATE_BASE), this can be an empty string.
string typeAsString;
/** maximum range of this sensor's value in SI units */
float maxRange;
/** smallest difference between two values reported by this sensor */
float resolution;
/** rough estimate of this sensor's power consumption in mA */
float power;
* this value depends on the reporting mode:
* continuous: minimum sample period allowed in microseconds
* on-change : 0
* one-shot :-1
* special : 0, unless otherwise noted
int32_t minDelay;
* number of events reserved for this sensor in the batch mode FIFO.
* If there is a dedicated FIFO for this sensor, then this is the
* size of this FIFO. If the FIFO is shared with other sensors,
* this is the size reserved for that sensor and it can be zero.
uint32_t fifoReservedEventCount;
* maximum number of events of this sensor that could be batched.
* This is especially relevant when the FIFO is shared between
* several sensors; this value is then set to the size of that FIFO.
uint32_t fifoMaxEventCount;
* permission required to see this sensor, register to it and receive data.
* Set to "" if no permission is required. Some sensor types like the
* heart rate monitor have a mandatory require_permission.
* For sensors that always require a specific permission, like the heart
* rate monitor, the android framework might overwrite this string
* automatically.
string requiredPermission;
* This value is defined only for continuous mode and on-change sensors.
* It is the delay between two sensor events corresponding to the lowest
* frequency that this sensor supports. When lower frequencies are requested
* through batch()/setDelay() the events will be generated at this frequency
* instead.
* It can be used by the framework or applications to estimate when the
* batch FIFO may be full.
* NOTE: periodNs is in nanoseconds where as maxDelay/minDelay are in
* microseconds.
* continuous, on-change: maximum sampling period allowed in
* microseconds.
* one-shot, special : 0
int32_t maxDelay;
/** Bitmask of SensorFlagBits */
bitfield<SensorFlagBits> flags;
- setOperationMode()
setOperationMode设置模块的模式,有两种选择,SENSOR_HAL_NORMAL_MODE - Normal operation. Default state of the module.SENSOR_HAL_DATA_INJECTION_MODE - Loopback mode.Data is injected for the supported sensors by the sensor service in this mode.
setOperationMode(OperationMode mode) generates (Result result);
- activate()
activate(int32_t sensorHandle, bool enabled) generates (Result result);
- initialize()
initialize()函数用于初始化hal的快速消息队列Fast Message Queues (FMQ)和回调函数。快速消息队列(FMQ)用于在框架和HAL之间发送数据。回调由HAL用于通知框架异步事件,例如动态传感器的连接。
事件FMQ用于将传感器事件从HAL传输到框架。使用 eventQueueDescriptor 创建事件FMQ。只能将数据写入事件FMQ,不得从事件FMQ读取数据,因为框架是唯一的读取者。收到传感器事件后,HAL将传感器事件写入事件FMQ。
- 调用事件FMQ的 EventFlag::wake() 函数,使用 EventQueueFlagBits::READ_AND_PROCESS
- 在事件FMQ的 writeBlocking() 函数中将写通知设置为 EventQueueFlagBits::READ_AND_PROCESS。
// Initialize the Sensors HAL's Fast Message Queues (FMQ) and callback.
// @param eventQueueDescriptor Fast Message Queue descriptor that is used to
// create the Event FMQ which is where sensor events are written. The
// descriptor is obtained from the framework's FMQ that is used to read
// sensor events.
// @param wakeLockDescriptor Fast Message Queue descriptor that is used to
// create the Wake Lock FMQ which is where wake_lock events are read
// from. The descriptor is obtained from the framework's FMQ that is
// used to write wake_lock events.
// @param sensorsCallback sensors callback that receives asynchronous data
// from the Sensors HAL.
// @return result OK on success; BAD_VALUE if descriptor is invalid (such
// as null)
@callflow(next = {"getSensorsList"})
initialize(fmq_sync<Event> eventQueueDescriptor,
fmq_sync<uint32_t> wakeLockDescriptor,
ISensorsCallback sensorsCallback)
(Result result);
- batch()
@param sensorHandle 要更改的传感器句柄。
@param samplingPeriodNs 指定传感器样本周期,以纳秒为单位。
@param maxReportLatencyNs 在事件被采样到报告时间之前允许的延迟时间。
@return 成功时返回 OK,如果任何参数无效则返回 BAD_VALUE。
batch(int32_t sensorHandle,
int64_t samplingPeriodNs,
int64_t maxReportLatencyNs)
generates (
Result result);
- flush()
刷新将向指定传感器的“批处理模式”FIFO末尾添加一个 FLUSH_COMPLETE 元数据事件,并刷新FIFO。如果FIFO为空或传感器不支持批处理(FIFO大小为零),则返回 SUCCESS,并在事件流中添加一个简单的 FLUSH_COMPLETE 事件。这适用于除单次触发传感器之外的所有传感器。如果传感器是单次触发传感器,刷新必须返回 BAD_VALUE,并且不生成任何刷新完成的元数据。如果在调用 flush() 时传感器处于非活动状态,flush() 必须返回 BAD_VALUE。
// Trigger a flush of internal FIFO.
flush(int32_t sensorHandle) generates (Result result);
- injectSensorData()
当设备处于 NORMAL 模式时,调用此函数将操作环境数据推送到设备。在此操作中,事件始终为 SensorType::AdditionalInfo 类型。
当设备处于 DATA_INJECTION 模式时,此函数还用于注入传感器事件。
无论 OperationMode 如何,注入的 SensorType::ADDITIONAL_INFO 类型事件不应路由回传感器事件队列。
// Inject a single sensor event or push operation environment parameters to device.
injectSensorData(Event event) generates (Result result);
- registerDirectChannel()
// Register direct report channel.
registerDirectChannel(SharedMemInfo mem)
generates (Result result,
int32_t channelHandle);
* Shared memory information for a direct channel
struct SharedMemInfo {
SharedMemType type; // shared memory type
SharedMemFormat format;
uint32_t size; // size of the memory region, in bytes
handle memoryHandle; // shared memory handle, it is interpreted
// depending on type field, see SharedMemType.
* Direct channel shared memory types. See struct SharedMemInfo.
@export(name="direct_mem_type_t", value_prefix="SENSOR_DIRECT_MEM_TYPE_")
enum SharedMemType : int32_t {
// handle contains 1 fd (ashmem handle) and 0 int.
// handle definition matches gralloc HAL.
* Direct channel lock-free queue format, this defines how the shared memory is
* interpreted by both sensor hardware and application.
* @see SharedMemInfo.
@export(name="direct_format_t", value_prefix="SENSOR_DIRECT_FMT_")
enum SharedMemFormat : int32_t {
SENSORS_EVENT = 1, // shared memory is formated as an array of data
// elements. See SensorsEventFormatOffset for details.
// Upon return of channel registration call, the
// shared memory space must be formated to all 0 by HAL.
注销先前使用 registerDirectChannel 注册的直接通道,并移除在该直接通道中配置的所有活动传感器报告。// Unregister direct report channel. unregisterDirectChannel(int32_t channelHandle) generates (Result result);
- configDirectReport()
// Configure direct sensor event report in direct channel.
int32_t sensorHandle,
int32_t channelHandle,
RateLevel rate
) generates (
Result result,
int32_t reportToken);
* Direct report rate level definition. Except for SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_STOP, each
* rate level covers the range (55%, 220%] * nominal report rate. For example,
* if config direct report specify a rate level SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_FAST, it is
* legal for sensor hardware to report event at a rate greater than 110Hz, and
* less or equal to 440Hz. Note that rate has to remain steady without variation
* before new rate level is configured, i.e. if a sensor is configured to
* SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_FAST and starts to report event at 256Hz, it cannot
* change rate to 128Hz after a few seconds of running even if 128Hz is also in
* the legal range of SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_FAST. Thus, it is recommended to
* associate report rate with RateLvel statically for single sensor.
@export(name="direct_rate_level_t", value_prefix="SENSOR_DIRECT_RATE_")
enum RateLevel : int32_t {
STOP, // stop
NORMAL, // nominal 50Hz
FAST, // nominal 200Hz
VERY_FAST, // nominal 800Hz
3.2 具体hal实现
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